Working with you

We provide support and advice on the matters that are important to you

Young couple sitting at laptop smiling at each other

Walker Crips Financial Planning will give you independent financial planning advice to help you choose the right strategy to maximise the potential of your wealth throughout your life.

Who do we typically serve?

High-earning professionals

We understand the importance of helping professionals by setting a solid financial foundation. We’ll work with you to help build savings, protect liabilities and grow pension provision to lay the groundwork for long-term financial success.

Successful families

For families juggling multiple financial priorities, from saving for university education to planning for retirement, we offer a range of comprehensive financial planning solutions. We help families create customised plans to protect their loved ones, grow their wealth and achieve their financial goals whilst balancing current expenses and future needs.

Approaching retirement

As you approach retirement, it is crucial to ensure you have a robust yet flexible financial plan in place. By using sophisticated cashflow modelling tools, we can help advise on retirement income strategies that help you retire with confidence and enjoy the lifestyle you have worked hard to achieve.

During retirement

During retirement, preserving and managing your wealth becomes paramount. We specialise in generating tax efficient withdrawal strategies, managing investment risk, as well as advising on estate planning to maximise the amount of wealth that is passed onto the next generation.

Business owners

Running a business comes with its own set of financial challenges and opportunities. We provide tailored financial guidance to business owners, helping them navigate through complex tax issues, optimise cash flow and plan for business succession or sale. Our strategies are designed to help business owners achieve both their personal and professional financial goals.

Our process

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1. Initial consultation

We offer a complimentary introductory meeting to understand your financial needs, address any questions and clarify our costs and services. If you choose to proceed, we’ll arrange a follow-up meeting.

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2. Fact finding

To identify and prioritise your financial planning needs, your financial planner will assess your current situation, goals and attitude to risk.

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3. Analysis, research and recommendation report

We are not tied to specific providers, so we’ll research the market for optimal solutions and provide independent advice. We’ll base our recommendations on a diverse range of products and providers, which we’ll outline in a report to meet your financial planning goals.

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4. Implementation

We’ll handle the final steps and documents to implement your financial planning strategy effectively and efficiently.

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5. Ongoing review

As part of our ongoing service, your financial planner will give you continual support and guidance, including a comprehensive annual review. This allows you to update your personal circumstances and discuss any changes in your goals.