Walker Crips News

Walker Crips Investment Management team tackles the Yorkshire Three Peaks for Charity

Walker Crips Investment Management team tackles the Yorkshire Three Peaks for Charity

30 May 2024

Members of the Walker Crips Investment Management team are putting their walking boots on for a good cause. On 25th June, they'll be taking on the mighty Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in a gruelling trek to raise money for The Island York. This ambitious charity hike will see them conquer Pen-y-ghent, Whernside, and Ingleborough, covering a challenging 26 miles with over 1,500 metres of ascent.

The team is determined to push themselves with every penny raised going directly to support The Island York's vital work helping vulnerable children in York. Their goal is to raise £2,000 to make a real difference in the lives of these young people.

We encourage everyone to donate and support this fantastic cause. Visit our GoFundMe page to contribute and help the Walker Crips team reach their fundraising target.

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